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Who or what am I?
What is an inside reception room at a building's entrance called?
Who said, "Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress."?
Who said, "All that is gold does not glitter; not all those that wander are lost."?
I starred on "Saturday Night Live" and "Brooklyn Nine-Nine", and I'm part of The Lonely Island. Who am I?
Who said, "Indolence is sweet, and its consequences bitter."?
In an episode of what TV show do we see a tombstone of "American Workmanship"?
Who said, "Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes."?
I was a star baseball player for the St. Louis Cardinals before I joined the Angels in 2012. Who am I?
Who is the actress that tripped over Emma Stone's gown on-stage during the 2015 Screen Actor's Guild Awards?
I'm a superhero who's blind and was played by Ben Affleck in a movie. Who am I?
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We bet you don't know a thing about who invented these things!
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Who or what am I?